Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
新闻有人看 标题要“裸奔”
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
故事从两个人讲起,青豆和天吾,一个是为民除害的业余杀手,一个是为天才少女代笔写小说的数学补习教师,两个人似乎毫无交集的生活在故事快要结束时终于有了关联。讲故事的手法是一章讲一个人,但往往是你读一个人的故事正上瘾时,它嘠然而止,开始了另一个人的故事,每每都觉得,No! Not Again! I want to know what happened to her/him!
我记得第一次看到这种叙事方式是在译林杂志上看John Grisham的鹈鹕案件,thriller小说常常爱用这种方式,用平行的手法展开几个人物和故事,但一般很快就会让他们交织在一起,进入正题。但1Q84不同,作者非常有耐心,一直到书的三分之一处才揭示书名的源由,快结束了两个人的生活才有了交集。
而最让人忿恨的是,事情刚刚开始有了眉目,书结束了。原来1Q84分三部分,我看的只是book 1。于是上网找book 2和3,找到了3,但遍寻2不见,搜来搜去,发现网上很多人都在找电子书的2,有人提供了2,但下载下来发现还是1。打开3看吧,故事完全接不上,显然2里有了新的人物出现了,而且是重要人物。
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
看美网 (三)
Mike问我,要是Federer退役了,你支持哪个球员?我楞了楞,真没想过这个问题。认真想想,真的没有哪个球员能像Federer那样让我无论输赢都与心相随。没有了Federer的网球,对很多他的球迷来说,是个不愿去面对的残酷现实。网球评论员Stephen Tignor如是说:
This is why I love to watch Federer. He encompasses the game. Countless times I've walked around the grounds at the US Open, sampling a match here and there, seeing playes struggle with their service motions, spray unforced errors, suffer through agonizing mental meltdowns. Countless times I've left the grounds behind, walked into the big court inside Arthur Ashe stadium, and let Federer remind me of how tennis, in an ideal and usually unreachable world, is supposed to be played. Federer's service motion couldn't be simpler - he does nothing more than toss the ball and hit it. On his ground strokes, he keeps his eye on the ball all the way through contact, just like you're taught, and just like few of us can. Between points, Federer sticks to the old, gentlemanly codes of this individual sport. He doesn't waste time setting up to serve, he doesn't boss the kids around, he doesn't grunt, and he doesn't look to his box to tell him what to do. He keeps his head down, and, occasional Hawkeye harangue aside, his mouth shut. I feel calmer when I watch Federer. The struggles and failures of the outer courts are forgotten; here everything is possible. With some players I want the spectacural. But with Federer the routine is beautiful enough. I don't need to see him carve up a delicate touch volley to know that I'm in good hands.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
看美网 (二)
Friday, September 3, 2010
看美网 学英语
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Football or Soccer?
If you’re reading this in the U.S. or Canada, then maybe you love soccer. If you’re reading this pretty much anywhere else, then perhaps you love football.
One person’s idea of a cute habit is responsible for the most popular sport in the world having two names.
One person’s idea took off so wildly that it dictates what millions of people call the game being played at the World Cup right now.
Let’s start in England in the 19th century. Kids played their own versions of football however they felt like it. A bunch of private schools got together to standardize the rules, which of course led to lots of arguing. The arguments gave birth to two games: Rugby football (named after a school called Rugby) and Association football, after the Football Association.
Enter a fellow named Charles Wreford-Brown, one of Association football’s early heroes. Brown was fond of a slang fad called an Oxford-er (like a vintage version of today’s “izzle” craze.) It works like this: you shorten a word and add “-er” on the end. Breakfast becomes “brekker.” Rugby is “rugger.”
Association football was called “footer”, but Brown had a different idea. He took the word Association, chopped off the A, sliced off the –iation from sociation and called it “soccer” instead. Weird, but true. It may not be the most logical name in the history of sports, but his influence is one of the reasons we don’t have footer leagues today. And if we did play footer instead of soccer, what would we call playing footsy?
Since American football (based on rugby) had already taken off by the time Association football became popular in the U.S., soccer stuck. The truth is, however, that soccer wasn’t universally accepted over football in the U.S. for a long time. The governing body for soccer in the U.S. was called the United States Soccer Football Association until 1974.
If you’re reading this in the U.S. or Canada, then maybe you love soccer. If you’re reading this pretty much anywhere else, then perhaps you love football.
One person’s idea of a cute habit is responsible for the most popular sport in the world having two names.
One person’s idea took off so wildly that it dictates what millions of people call the game being played at the World Cup right now.
Let’s start in England in the 19th century. Kids played their own versions of football however they felt like it. A bunch of private schools got together to standardize the rules, which of course led to lots of arguing. The arguments gave birth to two games: Rugby football (named after a school called Rugby) and Association football, after the Football Association.
Enter a fellow named Charles Wreford-Brown, one of Association football’s early heroes. Brown was fond of a slang fad called an Oxford-er (like a vintage version of today’s “izzle” craze.) It works like this: you shorten a word and add “-er” on the end. Breakfast becomes “brekker.” Rugby is “rugger.”
Association football was called “footer”, but Brown had a different idea. He took the word Association, chopped off the A, sliced off the –iation from sociation and called it “soccer” instead. Weird, but true. It may not be the most logical name in the history of sports, but his influence is one of the reasons we don’t have footer leagues today. And if we did play footer instead of soccer, what would we call playing footsy?
Since American football (based on rugby) had already taken off by the time Association football became popular in the U.S., soccer stuck. The truth is, however, that soccer wasn’t universally accepted over football in the U.S. for a long time. The governing body for soccer in the U.S. was called the United States Soccer Football Association until 1974.
Monday, May 24, 2010
上次翻译《商业意识》一书时,作者简介里说他是“a scholar at Charterhouse”,我最初不明白他到底是在Charterhouse教书还上学。Scholar一词我们最常见的翻译是学者,a learned person,其实它还有学生的意思,尤其指年幼的小学生。我最初拿不定主意他是学者还是学生,主要是因为Charterhouse就是伦敦一寄宿学校,就好像你要是出本书,还好意思在封皮上写“毕业于北师大附中”吗?显然,这位仁兄对自己的母校颇为自豪。
最近在看《The Thoreau You Don't Know》时,又碰到scholar一词,这次用意再明显不过。梭罗曾经和他的哥哥在家乡康科德共同创办了一家学校,有点像私塾的意思。他的教育理念就是,“I would make education a pleasant thing both to the teacher and the scholar. This discipline, which we allow to be the end of life, should not be one in the schoolroom, and another in the street. We should seek to be fellow students with the pupil, and we should learn of, as well as with him, if we would be most helpful to him.”能当他们的学生,真是幸运。
最近在看《The Thoreau You Don't Know》时,又碰到scholar一词,这次用意再明显不过。梭罗曾经和他的哥哥在家乡康科德共同创办了一家学校,有点像私塾的意思。他的教育理念就是,“I would make education a pleasant thing both to the teacher and the scholar. This discipline, which we allow to be the end of life, should not be one in the schoolroom, and another in the street. We should seek to be fellow students with the pupil, and we should learn of, as well as with him, if we would be most helpful to him.”能当他们的学生,真是幸运。
Monday, May 10, 2010
I am the clue-finder, web-cutter, ring-winner, barrel-rider
最近在看“The Thoreau You Don't Know”(你不知道的梭罗) by Robert Sullivan。讲到梭罗出生时的家庭状况时,作者写到,“By the time Thoreau came along, he had a sister, Helen, and a brother, John, and the family money was mostly gone.”只一句话,就把梭罗出生时的家庭成员和经济状况表达得清清楚楚,而且没用一个生僻词,但利用巧妙的押韵让一句简单说明事实的句子读起来像诗歌一样朗朗上口。
Mike最近为我朗读的“The Hobbit”(魔戒前传-哈比人历险记)要接近尾声了,哈比人一行终于找到了巨龙,在巨龙的山洞里,哈比人跟巨龙展开了一段斗智斗勇的对话,巨龙企图从哈比人嘴里得知他与同伴的身份,聪明的哈比人不想说实话,但又不原意冒说谎话被巨龙识破的风险,于是他这样描述了自己是谁,来自哪里。
“I come from under the hill, and the under the hills and over the hills my paths led. And through the air. I am he that walks unseen. I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number. I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water. I came from the end of bag, but no bag went over me. I and the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ring-winner and Luckwearer, and I am Barrel-rider.”
在这一段话里,哈比人概述了整本书到这为止他所有的历险和传奇的遭遇,巨龙对他的这个回答一头雾水,不过相信读者都知道他说的是什么。而且这一段话也没有用任何生僻的词。不得不为J.R.R. Tolkien的文字功力所折服。
最近在看“The Thoreau You Don't Know”(你不知道的梭罗) by Robert Sullivan。讲到梭罗出生时的家庭状况时,作者写到,“By the time Thoreau came along, he had a sister, Helen, and a brother, John, and the family money was mostly gone.”只一句话,就把梭罗出生时的家庭成员和经济状况表达得清清楚楚,而且没用一个生僻词,但利用巧妙的押韵让一句简单说明事实的句子读起来像诗歌一样朗朗上口。
Mike最近为我朗读的“The Hobbit”(魔戒前传-哈比人历险记)要接近尾声了,哈比人一行终于找到了巨龙,在巨龙的山洞里,哈比人跟巨龙展开了一段斗智斗勇的对话,巨龙企图从哈比人嘴里得知他与同伴的身份,聪明的哈比人不想说实话,但又不原意冒说谎话被巨龙识破的风险,于是他这样描述了自己是谁,来自哪里。
“I come from under the hill, and the under the hills and over the hills my paths led. And through the air. I am he that walks unseen. I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly. I was chosen for the lucky number. I am he that buries his friends alive and drowns them and draws them alive again from the water. I came from the end of bag, but no bag went over me. I and the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. I am Ring-winner and Luckwearer, and I am Barrel-rider.”
在这一段话里,哈比人概述了整本书到这为止他所有的历险和传奇的遭遇,巨龙对他的这个回答一头雾水,不过相信读者都知道他说的是什么。而且这一段话也没有用任何生僻的词。不得不为J.R.R. Tolkien的文字功力所折服。
Friday, April 9, 2010
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
此行首要目的是Elfreth's Alley。这个不足50米的小巷至今仍保持者18世纪初建时的风貌。可惜巷子里停着辆汽车,应该停辆马车才对。
此行首要目的是Elfreth's Alley。这个不足50米的小巷至今仍保持者18世纪初建时的风貌。可惜巷子里停着辆汽车,应该停辆马车才对。
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