Sunday, September 12, 2010



Monday, September 6, 2010

看美网 (三)

Mike问我,要是Federer退役了,你支持哪个球员?我楞了楞,真没想过这个问题。认真想想,真的没有哪个球员能像Federer那样让我无论输赢都与心相随。没有了Federer的网球,对很多他的球迷来说,是个不愿去面对的残酷现实。网球评论员Stephen Tignor如是说:

This is why I love to watch Federer. He encompasses the game. Countless times I've walked around the grounds at the US Open, sampling a match here and there, seeing playes struggle with their service motions, spray unforced errors, suffer through agonizing mental meltdowns. Countless times I've left the grounds behind, walked into the big court inside Arthur Ashe stadium, and let Federer remind me of how tennis, in an ideal and usually unreachable world, is supposed to be played. Federer's service motion couldn't be simpler - he does nothing more than toss the ball and hit it. On his ground strokes, he keeps his eye on the ball all the way through contact, just like you're taught, and just like few of us can. Between points, Federer sticks to the old, gentlemanly codes of this individual sport. He doesn't waste time setting up to serve, he doesn't boss the kids around, he doesn't grunt, and he doesn't look to his box to tell him what to do. He keeps his head down, and, occasional Hawkeye harangue aside, his mouth shut. I feel calmer when I watch Federer. The struggles and failures of the outer courts are forgotten; here everything is possible. With some players I want the spectacural. But with Federer the routine is beautiful enough. I don't need to see him carve up a delicate touch volley to know that I'm in good hands.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

看美网 (二)

周六CBS直播美网,Roger Federer和美国种子Mardy Fish的比赛同时进行,可恶的CBS不是转到Mardy Fish就是插播广告,于是只好打开美网官网看网上没有广告的直播,但网上的速度比电视慢个10秒钟左右,我就两边都开着,Federer休息时电视转到Fish,我看电脑,Mike问我,你看什么呢?我说,“I'm watching Roger Federer sitting on the chair while they are showing somebody else that I don't care.” 还挺押韵,hehe。

Friday, September 3, 2010

看美网 学英语

看了这么多年网球,总以为那些裁判都是大舌头,发球触网总是喊“LET”,难道不应该是“NET”吗?在MIKE的刨根问底下,GOOGLE一下,这才发现人家不是大舌头,就是LET,那么为什么叫LET呢?这个词的Old Saxon起源是“lettian”,意思是“to hinder”,Middle Dutch的词源是“letten”,Old High German的词源是“to delay”或“to hurt”。网球规则中,如果一发发球触网后落到对方场地,就算“LET”,也就是说可以再发一次,仍算一发,如果二发触网,就算双误。所以LET就是不算重发,这不就是要耽误会工夫嘛。