Wednesday, June 24, 2009




Saturday, June 20, 2009






Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Waiting for June 21

Libra Horoscope for June 2009
By Susan Miller

The lead story for early June is that a somewhat tricky, problematic full moon on June 7 is due in Sagittarius. Falling in your third house of communication, if you are asked to sign a document, it will be important to thoroughly read every clause it contains. I would suggest you not sign at this full moon. With Saturn in hard angle to the full moon, I worry that you may find that any deal you agree to will be arduous to fulfill. It would be better to wait a week, perhaps closer to Friday, June 12.
Admittedly, there will be considerable pressure to sign within four days of June 7, perhaps because you had put off signing it last month, because you knew Mercury was retrograde. If you don't know what that means, Mercury rules communication, negotiation, and all agreements, and it is never wise to sign a contract when Mercury is out of phase.
Mercury moved direct on May 30, so you will be free and clear as of June 2. (I always advise leaving a bit of space.) Still, the full moon will arrive very soon after, so you may get caught in the web of that full moon. By that I mean that you may have to sign, even though you will be agreeing to quite a heavy responsibility. If the other party has been waiting since May to have you sign, you can choose June 2, when Venus and Jupiter will be so beautifully angled. Venus has an association with money, as does Jupiter, but more importantly, Venus is your guardian planet, so this should be a good day.
I don't want you to sign after June 14, as Jupiter will be retrograde from then until October 13. If you sign when Jupiter is retrograde, the profits may never reach the levels you had hoped.
The fact that Jupiter will go retrograde from June 14 to October 13 also suggests, in some circumstances, that you might change your mind about signing the agreement altogether. In your solar chart, Jupiter rules agreements of all kinds. If you know you do want this deal, to reiterate, be sure to sign prior to June 14, because you do want Jupiter, the planet of profits, to be in strong shape.
Travel may also be on your agenda this month, whether for fun and relaxation or it may be work-related. If you do travel for a little R&R or to see a client, do research, or to complete an assignment, it will likely happen near the same weekend of June 6-7.
If it is for business, while on your trip, certain information will surface that will give you a more complete and accurate picture of the situation, but once you get it, it seems to stop you in your tracks. It will likely be clear that getting to your goal will be more complicated than you first thought. This doesn't mean you can't achieve what you've set out to do, but it does mean you'll have to revise your assumptions, timetable, and other elements of your plan.
The third house rules siblings and cousins too, so alternatively, if you don't have papers to sign, and you don't travel, you may hear news that pertains to that family member. (In truth, none of these areas are mutually exclusive, so it is possible that you may see one or more of these areas light up.)
If you have a sister, brother, or cousin, you may want to call and find out if anything has come up. Saturn is now moving through your twelfth house of confinement, so you may hear that your sister needs a medical procedure or your brother had to spend a night in the slammer due to a DUI arrest. (I know the latter circumstance would be highly unlikely, but I am just seeing if you are paying attention. Ha, ha.)
Actually, the twelfth house also rules prisons, so I thought I would include that possibility, but was not really serious when I did. The twelfth house also rules gentler places of confinement like hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers, and other places that help transform one's mind, body, or spirit to a healthier, more productive state. Fortunately, your ruler, Venus, will be beautifully angled to Pluto, and Mars will be cordial to Pluto too, so the outcome may work out quite well.
If you were born on October 8 or within five days of this date, this full moon will be in excellent angle to your Sun. You may be able to make anything that comes up work well for you, and if it is a family member who is on your mind, to help that person quite effectively.
Raising money seems to be on your mind in June too, and your efforts to do so should go far better now than they have in previous months. Mars is now zooming through your eighth house of other people's money, so you may now be looking for investment capital, a mortgage, business line of credit, grant, or scholarship, as a few examples.
If so, you have Venus, your ruler, traveling with Mars in this same house, suggesting that your magical combination of forcefulness and charm, persuasiveness, and magnetism will be an irresistible, winning combination. If ever you had a chance to get the money you seek, it's now!
Also, Mars in your eighth house suggests that you will have higher than usual expenses, but only in June. Perhaps you wisely put off buying a computer, kitchen appliance, or other electronic item while Mercury was in retrograde last month. Smart. Now you can go shopping, not only for electronics (which are truly dreadful purchases to make while Mercury is out of phase), but also for other expensive things like furniture, clothes, and jewelry.
You may also be spending for gifts, such as for a graduation or wedding gift. Bless you, you are a generous soul, and the recipient is always lucky to have you in their life. (In my family, my sister, Janet, a Libra, always does all the family holiday and birthday gift shopping. Libras have a sixth sense about what others are thrilled to receive! They are the stylists of the zodiac!)
Mercury will be in this house too, and although last month may have brought nothing but piles of financial paperwork to fill out and delayed checks, this month will be an improved scenario. Mercury moved direct on May 30, and so by June 2, you will be safe to stage talks, presentations, and other financial meetings, with far better results.
Mercury will send a shimmering vibration to Uranus on June 8-9, possibly bringing good financial news to you. Check your facts, however, for on that day Mercury will cast a hard glance to Neptune, an aspect that can bring confusion, especially when there are facts and figures involved. With anything financial, you will always want to be very accurate, of course. Venus and Pluto will be beautifully cooperative at the very same time, so if you are careful about your math, and you also check the fine print with your lawyer, things could go quite will for you, dear Libra.
In terms of your career, an important new moon on June 21 could show you that you are about to receive the break you've long awaited. This new moon will be at 1 degree Cancer, considered a highly energetic place for a cardinal sign to be when in aspect. (Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.) That is a signal to you that this aspect is as powerful as the very life force it symbolizes. If you have been yearning for an important new job, one that would represent a true step up and not a lateral move, then you have it.
This new moon is not perfect, however, in that it sends an angry glance to Pluto. Pluto is now based in your solar fourth house of family and home. Something, or somebody, there seems to be either distracting you, dragging you down, or requiring a lot of your energy at home. The timing seems unfortunate, for it's coming just when you get this sterling opening to go for the gold in your career. It is alternatively possible that you find that the job you want seems to be a juicy one that others are also vying for, and you will be dismayed by all the competition for it.
If the latter case turns out to be true, you will have to work doubly hard to convince higher ups that you are the one for the position. Pluto is known to create highly unfair power plays when in hard aspect, as will be the case now. This does not mean you can't get the job, only that you have to be very organized and very persuasive. Libra rules the legal system, and so your sign produces great lawyers. In this case, you will have to present your case with the passion and articulation of a lawyer making closing arguments to a jury. You can do it! You were born to do this!
If you find conditions are just not right for you to have a good shot at the job you want this month, you will get a second chance next month, and in July that one will be an even bigger opportunity. On July 21, we will have a solar eclipse in Cancer (the very same place as the new moon June 22, only in a later degree, 29 degrees, which is a degree of completion). What makes next month so exciting is that a solar eclipse opens a big window of opportunity, far bigger than the one that will open this month. Solar eclipses ARE new moons too, only with the strength of three, all rolled into one! Wow! If you have wanted to get a new job, you have your opportunity.
Better yet, next month, Pluto won't be anywhere near close enough to cause you any angst. In fact, this friendly eclipse - my favorite of all of 2009 - will bring you help from Uranus and Mars, too. Wow, this is really fantastic! Remember, with any new moon or eclipse, you need not actually get the job immediately. What matters is that you BEGIN to have talks. Sometimes big jobs take time, and at other times, things happen quickly. You have to wait and see.
Eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn are now starting in July for the first time since 2000. You will get a pair of eclipses in July, and then again on New Year's Eve and in mid-January 2010. They will keep coming every five-and-a-half months for two years until they are finished and you are fully transformed into a new situation. It seems you are about to revitalize not only your career but your home life, too. You might move, but you have an equal chance of polishing up your present quarters to such a degree it seems brand new!
Knowing all this is coming - and when eclipses come, they make their presence known - you should get your bio and resume ready. Done properly, these documents take weeks to write, so take your time and show them to others around you too for feedback. Rarely have you had cosmic support on THIS level!
Romance? Ah, you want that, too? I am smiling. Of course you do. Your very best point in the month will come in the middle, on June 16 and 17 when the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune bring you many reasons to believe that love can be yours forever. Children bring reason for delight, too.
Most romantic evenings: June 1, 2, 9, 11-12, 16-17, 25, and 29.
Your finances seem a bit tight, for you have a greater number of expenses than is usual. Not to worry. Pluto, in perfect beam to Venus and Mars, will help you find new sources of income if you make an effort and remain resourceful in approach. If you are looking for a line of credit, venture capital, a mortgage or refinancing plan, or scholarship, among many possibilities, Venus and Mars will work hard to help you see good results.
You may be asked to sign an important contract within four days of the full moon, June 7, but if so, parts of the wording will cause you distress. You may see clauses that trouble you, so by all means, slow down and huddle with your lawyer to find a way to refine those points in a way that will be agreeable to you and the other side. Honestly, it would not be the best time to sign a contract anyway - June 12 would be a far better day - so take your time and get things right.
With a full moon in your third house, you may travel too this month for just about any reason, but you won't likely travel over many miles. The place you go will likely be quite close to your home town. With Saturn meddling in this full moon, if you do go for business, you are likely to discover many facts that you could not have learned had you not taken the time to have a face-to-face meeting. It looks like you will have to revise something you took for granted, and that the deal will take more time, money, or attention - and take longer - than you originally thought would be the case.
If you have a sister or brother or beloved cousin, be sure to check in with that relative, because there could be news you'll want to hear.
A major career development will start to show up after the new moon in your tenth house of achievement and honors, starting June 22 and continuing for several weeks after that. If a professional matter has been brewing for a long time, you'll take the bull by the horns to move forward with great energy.
This new moon, in Cancer, will be at a critical degree associated with forceful action, so you won't be in a mood to wait to see what management says - you seem to feel that the time is now to make things happen. If you don't get a promotion or an indication of what your management is planning for you, then you will take matters into your own hands and look elsewhere.
This new career attitude may be triggered by an event going on at home, too. It's clear there are a lot of pressures on you lately, both in terms of family conditions and in terms of tight cash flow. The uncertainty in your career has only made overall tensions harder to bear. By energetically taking career matters into your own hands, you'll feel better and, besides, your timing will be perfect. Options will emerge in weeks to come. If you are forced to make a career decision, know that it could well be a blessing. It is your time to act - if not in June, then certainly by July when the eclipses are due to come by. Don't hang back out of fear - you should be feeling only confidence.
Dates to note:
Most romantic evenings: June 1, 2, 9, 11-12, 16-17, 25, and 29.
One of your happiest days for love, money, and pure luck: June 2.
Love and travel will be closely linked: June 6-7 and 14-20.
A surprise assignment or unexpected overtime work may earn you extra money.
Your career will get a big boost with the new moon: June 22 plus 2 weeks.
Are you creative? You'll get approvals to move ahead on your ideas in the last third of the month.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Peabody Library

今天去了巴尔的摩的Peabody Institute Library。这所图书馆是由银行大亨George Peabody创建的。Peabody是现在JP Morgan前身的创始人之一。他生于麻州,后来移居巴尔的摩生活了二十多年,他在此创建的Peabody Institute是美国第一所音乐学院。现在这所音乐学院和图书馆均隶属于Johns Hopkins University。Peabody后来定居伦敦,他终身未娶,一生致力于慈善事业,尤其是文化教育事业。


图书馆藏有很多老杂志,象这本Smart Set,是上个世纪初的流行杂志,有点象今天的New Yorker。当年H.L. Mencken是杂志的主编。Mencken的故居就在巴尔的摩的Union Square,是一所面向公园的三层town house。Mike对Mencken很仰慕,因此就蒙生了在这买房子的“白日梦”。刚好在Mencken故居的旁边就有空房出售,我们当即就打房产经纪的电话问价钱,卖家要价25万。原来25万就可以跟已故大文豪做邻居... ...


巴尔的摩还是美国国歌的诞生地,就在这里,Fort McHenry。
话说1814年,虽然美国已经建国三十多年,但显然英国对这个宣布独立的昔日殖民地根本没放在眼里。当时英国和法国在打仗,英国不允许美国跟法国做生意,美国觉得欺人太甚于是向英国宣战。但是美国刚经过独立战争兵乏马疲,而英军兵强马壮,入侵了首都华盛顿,放火烧了白宫,下一个目标就是巴尔的摩。结果巴尔的摩驻军奋力死守,在Fort McHenry击退了英军的舰队。
在Fort McHenry的游客接待处放映一部关于这段历史的短片,短片经由一名医生William Beanes之口讲述了美国国歌诞生的经过。Beanes因为参与反英集会被英军抓了做人质,诗人Francis Scott Key前往调解释放人质事宜,他在附近的一艘船上目睹了英军对Fort McHenry长达25个小时的炮轰,当时战事激烈,炮火冲天,谁也不知道到底哪方军队获胜了,直到第二天清晨,炮声渐息,Key看到Fort McHenry上的星条旗仍在飘扬,才知道美军没有被打垮,这时他写下了以后成为美国国歌的"Star-Spangled Banner"。

Mike坐在马路牙子上吃ice cream。

Monday, June 8, 2009

Roger Federer's nose-twin

From Slate: Advice from 'Dear Prudence'

Nose tw, IN: Hi Prudy, I know this is a bit out of left field, but I don't know who else to ask. Is there a term for when somebody has the exact same nose as you do?
If you have the same parents, you're siblings. And if you have the same job, you're coworkers. If you play basketball together: you're teammates. Same nationality: compatriots. Same house: roommates. But what's the term when you have the same nose?
I ask because I have the exact same nose as Roger Federer.

Emily Yoffe: If you had the same swing as Roger Federer, then the resemblance might be worth talking about. I think this is one of those things that's best being your little secret.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Go Roger !

Photo by Bob Martin from Sports Illustrated

从2008法网决赛0:3落败Nadal,到三个星期后温网5个小时激战后痛失冠军,北京奥运止步八强,之后整个美网看的战战兢兢,虽然最后卫冕成功,决赛打穆雷干净利落,但我们都知道现在的王者是多么脆弱,昔日的费迷也开始质疑他能否保住在硬地的唯一阵地。2009年1月的一个清晨,澳网赛后Federer泣不成声的致谢辞,我的心都碎了。Mike夜班回来看到我一个人在黑黑的地下室对着电视痛哭流涕,他安慰我说I love you,我说I don't care。

今天,他赢了,他落泪了,我的眼睛也湿润了,但我没哭,Roger, see you at Wimbledon。