Monday, February 11, 2013


在Whole Foods买了一盆花,叫African Clivia,正好大年初一这天开了花。

回头一Google,原来这African Clivia就是君子兰,而且国人种这花还有很多讲究,比如叶片整齐地两侧排列才是上品。我和Mike在挑花的时候还嫌弃那些叶子在两侧的,专门挑了棵“错落有致”的。

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013


《New York Observer》近日有一篇文章写为什么成功男士——单身或已婚——花费数千美元一晚租一个女友。这些高级应召女友年轻,漂亮,风趣,健谈,最重要的是,除了明码标价收费不菲以外,她们对其客户毫无所求。文章引发了网上读者的广泛争议,评论涉及女权主义、家庭伦理、被迫卖淫等众多领域。


When Katelyn is not working, she is working out and reading and dining out with friends and going to London for the weekend and Paris for the week. She is practicing yoga and bettering her body and her mind and advancing her entire being so that she will continue to appreciate in value, in a world where youth is prized over experience, and in a city where women will sleep with men for less than Katelyn makes in a minute.”


Illustration by Thomas Pitilli.