Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Who Said What (3)

《华盛顿邮报》邀请18位中美名人给中国新一代领导人一些建议,他们是经济学家茅于轼、亚洲协会美中关系中心主任Orville Schell、福莱公关合伙人Bill Black、前美国驻华大使Jon Huntsman、陈光诚、美国前财政部长Henry Paulson、新泽西州共和党联邦众议员Christopher Smith、彼得森国际经济研究员高级研究员Nicholas Lardy、艾未未、戴晴、前美国国际集团首席执行官Maurice "Hank" Greenberg、美中贸易全国委员会主席John Frisbie、历史学家章立凡、摩托罗拉首席执行官Greg Brown、Hunter Wise Financial Group执行董事Dan McClory、《环球时报》主编胡锡进、美国前商务部长Barbara Hackman Franklin、洪晃。

艾未未:In the new era, I hope I can use Internet and Weibo freely. I hope the false charge against me can be clarified through [an] independent judicial process. I hope I won’t be followed, silenced and disappeared. I hope my family and friends won’t be threatened. If possible, please return my passport, which enables me to communicate, exhibit my work and travel freely. Is my expectation for the new era too luxurious?

一位读者: To Ai Wewei, you make so much money from so much mediocre art, like those silly statues of the twelve Chinese animal birthday signs that were up last year at 59th Street here in NYC. I am really sad for you that you cannot use the internet the way you want but all of your comments here are so self interested with "I" and "me" all over the place that one would think that you are the only artist with travails in all of China! 



“... ...在我的手机contract快mature的时候... ...正好900发布,pre-order了cyan颜色的...”


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Who Said What (2)

“The danger for next year is not that the deficit will be too large but that it will be too small, and hence plunge America back into recession.”                     --Paul Krugman

翻开这两天的报纸,打开电视,美国上下关心的全是Fiscal Cliff。经济学家预测说,如果国会不阻止财政悬崖,明年美国经济将萎缩2.9%。但一向反对所谓的“赤字威胁论”、认为赤字才能刺激经济的保罗·克鲁格曼则说,美国明年面临的危险不是赤字太大,而是赤字太小,从而让美国陷入衰退。他在纽约时报的专栏中说,事实是,当经济严重低迷时,赤字是好事,因此削减赤字应该等到经济好转以后。

Monday, November 12, 2012

Who Said What (1)

United States has better relations with each of the major countries in Asia than any of them have with each other."
                                                           --Stephen John Hadley

开车时听C-SPAN,听到美国前总统布什的国家安全顾问Stephen John Hadley在一个讨论会上说,国务卿希拉里邀请他和另外三位人士去东京和北京,与中国和日本的领导人调停钓鱼岛争端,他领了这个任务就在想,我们美国为什么非要管这个事呢?原因就在于,美国与亚洲每个主要国家的关系比它们自己互相之间的关系都要好。